Frequently asked questions

How to use COCORIKO?

Browse the website and vote on the proposals published by the users. Follow users of interest to build newsfeed content in your “Home” page and propose your ideas for a better world, country, province or city. Vote and be part of decision making on social issues you care about!

What e-mail and password should I use if I initially signed up through Facebook?

You will have to use the same e-mail address you use to connect to Facebook. Regarding the password, if you did not enter a password in your settings upon your first visit, click on the link « forgotten password » and we will send you an e-mail with a temporary password you will be able to use. You can then enter a password of your choice in your personal settings.

Can I use COCORIKO as an organization, a business or an association?

Yes. You can create a profile for your organization to participate in the public platform. This profile is similar to a regular user profile except that it contains general information relevant to organizations and that the votes are not considered in the statistical results displayed. You can also use COCORIKO in a private network, for internal use in your organization; please contact us for more details.

Who is publishing the proposals found on the “News feed” page?

News feed is the main section of your dashboard. It shows the activities of the users you are following (proposals, comments, public messages “speak-up”, etc.) If you are not following anyone, or upon your first visit, COCORIKO will generate random content based on its popularity on your Home page.

How do I follow other users?

You can follow any users by accessing their profile (by clicking on their profile picture or by typing their name in the search bar) and then by clicking on “Follow”. You will then be following this user and their activities will be displayed on your Home page.

How to find a specific proposal or a user?

You can use the search bar located at the top right to search content using key words.

Who publishes the proposals found on COCORIKO?

All of the proposals published on the website are written and submitted by the users. The “Propose” section will guide you through the simple process of proposing an idea to be published.

How can I propose an idea?

Simply click on the blue box on the dashboard. Then follow the simple steps to publish your proposal. You can choose the target population for your proposal: the world, your country, your province or state, or your city.

What kind of ideas can I propose on COCORIKO?

The proposal must be a statement, not a question, and it must suggest an idea or practice relating a social issue. The proposal must always be respectful of others and never be prejudice or convey any sort of judgement toward a belief, a religion, a community, a person, an organization or a group.

Are all proposals submitted by users published on the website?

Yes. Every user is responsible for the content published. COCORIKO uses a flag system to manage the website’s moderation. If a proposal, a comment or any other content is reported as undesirable by the users, COCORIKO moderators will then evaluate the situation and if necessary, will delete the reported content.

How can I add some context to my proposal?

The “propose” process will guide you through all the required steps and will allow you to add some context to your proposal: write a text, attach a document, a URL address or a video. This context will then be attached to your proposal and users can refer to it before they vote.

What is the difference between “Speak-up” and “Propose”?

“Propose” is a function that allows you to publish a structured proposal which people will be able to vote and comment on. “Speak-up” is a way to publish a general public message to your followers.

Can I modify or delete a proposal once it is published?

No. For statistical reasons, and to avoid deleting valuable content to other users, you can’t modify or delete a proposal once it is published. However, you can dissociate yourself from that proposal in the dropdown menu on the proposal. This will dissociate your profile from the proposal, which will then be displayed as anonymous, but the content will remain available to the users.

What is the Followers/Followings page?

This page shows you the list of your followers (users that are following you) and of your followings (users you are following). You can access their individual profile or manage your list from this page.

How can I access my profile and manage the information in my profile?

You can access your personal profile using the top right dropdown menu or clicking on your profile picture at any time. Your profile will display your recent activities on the dashboard and will allow you to manage all your personal information and settings.

Is my personal information public?

COCORIKO protects your personal information. Some information is always public, such as your name and your city. All votes are confidential and only revealed when you comment on a proposal.

How to disconnect and end my session?

Click on “disconnect” in the top right dropdown menu to securely leave the website and end your session.

Is there an App for smart phones?

The current version of the website is adapted for smart phones and tablets and allows the use of almost all functionalities. We hope to develop an App in the near future.

Is COCORIKO related to any political ideology or organization?

No. COCORIKO is a completely independent organization with a mission to be neutral and objective.

How to contact the COCORIKO team?

Click on “contact us” in the top right dropdown menu and we will happily answer any questions you might have!

Is COCORIKO available for internal use in my organization or business?

Yes! COCORIKO offers the possibility the use private networks that allows you to deal with internal issues related to your organization, with the concerned members or employees. Contact us and we will provide you with information and answer all of your questions.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy, please contact us on the information below.

490 route 105, Suite 240
Chelsea (Quebec) J9B 1L2